No Resistance to Resistance Training!
Dr. Bensko of NWCP showing off her resistance training skills in competition
Fall Fun: Engaging Play Activities for Kids
As the leaves begin to change colors and the air becomes crisp, the fall season provides a perfect backdrop for outdoor adventures and creative playtime with kids.

NWCP Talks Summer Safety
In this article, we discuss important safety tips for parents to keep their children safe during the summer months. These tips include wearing helmets for biking and skateboarding, supervising children while swimming, applying sunscreen, staying hydrated in hot weather, protecting against insects, and using fireworks safely.
Welcome to Our New Website!
Welcome to our newly designed website!

Acting Classes for Parents: Acting Up, Acting Out, and Learning to Read Cues
Acting classes for parents: acting up, acting out and learning to read cues. A summary of a behavior and discipline Q and A conversation with Drs Scott Goldstein and Rebecca Unger in the Family Matters Parenting Discussion Series.
Let’s Go Viral: Strategies for Parents Tackling the Online Interface
Oby Ekwueme, MS3/MPH student at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and Dr. Rebecca Unger offer a developmental approach to helping children and families understand safe media use.

Food for Thought: A Prescription For Obesity Prevention
Dr. Unger discusses alternative ways to prevent obesity in observance of Obesity Awareness Month.

Parenting Resilient Kids: ACE-ing the Test!
Jacob B. Pierce, MD/MPH student, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, discusses ACEs and parenting resilient children!
Lemonade Stands and Beyond: Outdoor Project Ideas for Your Family
By Alex Hu, BS, MS4, Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine and Rebecca Unger, MD discuss summer activities for your family.
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child: Prevent and Treat Sleep Problems
A summary by Dr. Rebecca Unger of Dr. Marc Weissbluth’s lecture/discussion at the Northwestern Children’s Practice April 26, 2017.
It’s Not Easy Being Green: Recipes for a Healthy Home
A summary of Dr. Scott Goldstein’s Brown Bag Chat about pediatric environmental health.

Kindness: A Contagious Disease
Acts of kindness have psychosocial benefits, however there is also evidence that there are also physical health benefits. Dr Rebecca Unger describes the benefits of being kind, as well as offers practical advice for families to promote kindess.

Working Together: Helping Kids Manage Technology and Social Media
A summary by Rebecca Unger, MD of our Brown Bag Chat with Michelle Cutler, PhD and Emily Arnstein, PsyD.
Family Nutrition Q and A
This post covers some questions and answers about picky eaters!
What? Me Worry?
Karen Pierce, MD, a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at Northwestern University, joined us at our Brown Bag Chat to talk about strategies and tools to help parents and families identify and manage anxiety.

The Art of Snacking
Providing healthy yet tasty snacks is one of the true arts of parenting.

Parenting Matters
It is never too early to talk and share ideas about making mindful decisions based on your values and what kind of parent you want to be

Gather ‘round the Table! : The Importance of Family Meals
A review of studies about family meals indicates that frequent family meals are not only associated with better nutritional value and meal structure, but also many positive psychosocial outcomes.

A Day at the Museum
Ready for an adventure? Looking for a family activity that tickles everyone’s fancy? Want to run away from screen time for an afternoon? A post written by Terry Kass and Rebecca Unger MD
9 Things to Teach your 9-Year-Old
What, how, and when to talk to your pre-teen about what he/she needs to know.